Pre-configured, easy to use PIV solution


The FlexPIV is a versatile system for air and water flows, small to medium field of view and velocities up to 100m/s. Great price/performance ratio.

The FlexPIV system allows for non-intrusive measurements of two components of entire flow velocity fields in a plane. It is a complete package to start measuring right away, consisting of a 65mJ DualPower Laser, high-end light sheet optics, a 1.3 MP GigE camera with a C-Mount 35mm f2.1 lens, a GigE interface board, a TimingHub for synchronization, and our advanced software package DynamicStudio for data acquisition, processing, visualization of results and data storage in a secure and robust database structure. The PC for running the software just needs a GigE interface for the camera and a USB port for the TimingHub.